I opine

Megapuss – “Adam and Steve”

Posted in music by jaeminuf on November 13, 2008

Caveat: Not quite an opinion issued forth here. At least not of the sort I usually do.

“Adam and Steve” Video
Director/Producer: Amy Jo Diaz
Editor: Buzz Pierce
Filmed at: Draw Pictures Studio
Directors of Photography: Eric Johnson/Craig Olsen

Devendra Banhart, Greg Rogove, and Fabrizio Moretti in this video remind me of some people I used to hang with way back when.

Strange to realize that this way-back-when was more than fifteen years ago. Through my then bestfriend Holly, I began to hang out with a crew from Gurnee, IL. Free spirits, the whole lot of them, but the central figure was likely Todd who once explained that the smoke rings he blew were made by a little gnome tossing smoke pies like pizza dough and punching holes in them like donuts.

We used to cruise for hours with the Dead jamming from the car stereo while various passengers took turns sticking their limbs and torsos out the windows to embrace and howl at the wind rushing into and past us. We stole down ravines to private beaches on Lake Michigan, started bonfires, and skinny dipped in the pitch black waters. We drove and drove in search of good coffeehouses in Waukegan, only to end up at Denny’s in Vernon Hills where we often ran into Spenser on his way to a rave. I even remember – and if you haven’t already found this trip down memory lane saccharine enough, you ought to ready yourself for some serious queasiness – a lazy late afternoon, lolling around amidst tall, golden reeds awash in amber sunlight. Sarah was there. Jordan was there. Angelic Sean who moved away to Florida was there.

Then there was the night when I unsuccessfully manuevered a 3 point turn and drove my car into a muddy ditch. I had been following Todd’s Bug, but poor night vision got in the way… Really. I had thought it was a paved driveway. Long story short, though we were many, we were all pathetically inept: we were a bunch of tie-dye and doc marten wearing punk hippie waifs with compromised lungs. So, we called 911, concocted a ridiculous story about me getting driven off the road by some arsehole with high beams, and even managed to get the police officers to hang out with us for a bit.

Some serious fun was had by all. And yeah, Megapuss. Absurd but lovable boyish insouciance. How can one not love. Oh, and especially the nods to Wham, George Michael, 80s hair metal, and Right Said Fred.

Wham – “Careless Whispers”

George Michael – “Faith”

80s Hair Metal (Whitesnake – “Here I Go Again” though there is no guitar solo performed atop the backseat of a convertible; instead there is Tawny Kitaen and that ought to suffice as substitute)

Right Said Fred – “I’m Too Sexy”

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