I opine

Free Radio!

Posted in politics by jaeminuf on September 27, 2008
  I don’t listen to Pandora much. However, I do listen to:

  • Last.fm,
  • Songza,
  • and other platforms that can be construed as internet radio.

The idea of Clear Channel – clear because it’s vacuous – quashing internet radio deserves a major thumbs down. Save internet radio! Contact your congressional representatives or call John Campbell: 202-225-5611!

Last.fm logo


Hi, it’s Tim from Pandora;

After a yearlong negotiation, Pandora, SoundExchange and the RIAA are finally optimistic about reaching an agreement on royalties that would save Pandora and Internet radio. But just as we’ve gotten close, large traditional broadcast radio companies have launched a covert lobbying campaign to sabotage our progress.

Friday, Congressman Jay Inslee, and several co-sponsors, introduced legislation to give us the extra time we need but the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), which represents radio broadcasters such as Clear Channel, has begun intensively pressuring lawmakers to kill the bill. We have just days to keep this from collapsing.

This is a blatant attempt by large radio companies to suffocate the webcasting industry that is just beginning to offer an alternative to their monopoly of the airwaves.

Please call your Congressperson right now and ask them to support H.R. 7084, the Webcaster Settlement Act of 2008 – and to not capitulate to pressure from the NAB. Congress is currently working extended hours, so even calls this evening and over the weekend should get answered.

If the phone is busy, please try again until you get through. These calls really do make a difference.

Representative John Campbell: 202-225-5611

Thanks so much for you ongoing support.
